20-year-old Zac Efron, the male lead in Disney’s High School Musical, High School Musical 2, and the upcoming theatrical release of High School Musical 3, was eating breakfast in a greasy diner in Tolucsa Lake, California.
"This is my favorite place to eat breakfast, because you don't see the SUVs with the blacked-out windows here," said Zac.
While hiding his celebrity behind mirrored sunglasses and a brown stocking cap, Zac discussed his strategy for success. "As long as I stay boring, I think I'll be fine."
Stay boring? Seriously?
“Yeah, seriously,” he says. “I'm going to try.”
Between bites of scrambled eggs and brown rice Zac almost apologized for his new found Hollywood success.
"I've never done interviews like this before," he said. "I'm still so new to this, it's literally a one-in-a-million chance that I'm here.”
He is trying hard to be a normal 20-year-old in a town where the gossip media take no prisoners. Any tweener that has seen HSM1 and 2, which is most of them, knows that Zac Efron is no normal 20-year-old.
HSM1 and 2 are arguably the most watched made for television movies in history. The target market is the pre-teen set, and that group of kids refuses to let Zac be any kind of normal.
The term Hollywood idol doesn’t do him justice. He has become a tween heartthrob, and the tweens won’t let him forget it.
The HSM CD is the biggest selling CD of 2006, and Zac plays Troy Bolton, who acts, sings and dances his way into the hearts of his fans, although Zac was not allowed to do the actual singing in HSM1.
"I didn't even sing on the first album," he admits. "It wasn't my voice in the movie. Even though I wanted to do it."
HSM2, however, is all Zac, including the singing.
Troy is the high school jock who is romantically linked to Gabriella Montez, a brainy transfer student, played by the gorgeous Vanessa Hudgens. Ironically, Zac and Vanessa are also romantically linked in real life too.
Watch and listen to Zac in his own words in the video below.
Zac is already tiring of his role in HSM and seems to be itching to move on to other things.
"If I had to hear the High School Musical songs anymore," he confesses, "I probably would have jumped off something very tall."
Although HSM may have countless sequels, Zac said he'd "hopefully not" do many more.
Thankfully, to all of his fans, Zac is signed and primed to star in HSM3, which begins production in January, 2008.
More Zac Efron
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hey omg why has nobody posted zca, if your there, i think that you are soooo amazing, you have great hair and eyes and u r fab. cnt wait for hsm3 i heard rumours that u werent gonna do it, plz do
It is for sure. Zac has already started working on the set of HSM 3.
Ewww he is soooooooo girlish. IDK why he wears soooooooo much make up. He is the ugliest guy ive ever seen.
Kayla Tatum
I find Zac Efron to be an inspiration to me, I've always felt a lack of confidence in myself and he just boosts my self-esteem, he is a kind genuine person and his work reflects that as do these interviews he so graciously allows. He obviously cares deeply for his fans. I'm one of them and I wish I could send him a letter explaining how much his inspiration means to me.
OMG....... He is a gr8 actor and he has gr8 hair n eyes....... My verdict is HOTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REALLY REALLY HOT REALLY REALLY GOOD AT ACTIONG!!!!!!! Plz do more horse movies and more movie tooooo I want ot see more of u ZAC! AHHHHGGG(SCREAMING)
i just cant help but look at this boy and fall in love, he is just so darn beautiful...and his speech in 17 again to his wife just melts my heart...
why cant he just randomly bump into me and fall in love...
oh my gosh zac is so amazing and i love his eyes, he is so charming @ i wish i can meet him
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