Rock and his entourage were dining at a Waffle House restaurant when another restaurant customer, Harlan Adkins, approached Rock’s group because Adkins knew a woman in Rock’s group.
Adkins’ discussion with the woman grew into a fracas that continued in the restaurant’s parking lot. During the resulting melee, Adkins reportedly broke a restaurant window.

Rock’s tour bus left the parking lot, but was pulled over by Atlanta police just a short time later. Kid Rock, whose real name is Robert Ritchie, and five others involved in the confrontation were arrested and charged with simple battery.
After posting $1,000 bail, Rock was released around 5 PM Sunday evening to a crowd of Rock‘s fans gathered around the DeKalb County jailhouse.
The 36 year old Rock was also arrested last month in Las Vegas for a confrontation he had with rocker Tommy Lee at the MTV Video Music Awards.
Rock is no stranger to police blotters. He was also arrested in Nashville in 2005 and in Michigan in 1991 and 1997.
Mommy, why did they arrest Jesus?
That Diesel gets around. I see your name everywhere.
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