The victim is Victoria Lindsay, a Lakeland, Florida, high school student and cheerleader, who suffered a concussion during the beating, along with hearing and vision loss. Lakeland is near the Tampa metropolitan area.

Eventually, they dropped her off at an intersection near another teen's home.
Prior to the video shown here, the six girls allegedly beat Lindsay to the point that she lost consciousness. Once she awoke, the alleged attackers began the video taping and continued the beating.
Patrick Lindsay, Victoria Lindsay’s father, said during a news conference, "When I saw my daughter in the emergency room, I didn't even recognize my own daughter.”
Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said, “They lured her into the home for the express purpose of filming the attack and posting it on the Internet. This is outrageous behavior.”
It is being reported by the media that the motivation for the attack was retaliation for things Lindsay posted about the other girls on her MySpace page. However, the page had virtually nothing posted on it on 4/13/2008.
Even on a high speed connection both Blogger and YouTube have been slow to start videos lately, so please be patient. Video will begin eventually. Sometimes you must click the start button twice.
The attack and the video taping of the attack is taking cyber bullying to a new level.
The battery and false imprisonment charges could result in a 10 year sentence, while the kidnapping charge could add another 15 years in prison.
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More on Abuse
It is difficult to understand why teen age girls would resort to such violence for such an insignificant reason.
This is really sad how could someone put One girl through this when it was not even her wrighting the messages on myspcae.
what has this world come to this it's getting to the point where kids can't even go out side with out the fear of being jumped of messed with raped mugged and anything else in that matter what has happen to this worlld for real.
I strongly believe that all of these kids should get what they deserve and spend there time in prison I really don't get how people can be so heartless.
It amazes me how teenagers do stupid things just to be on youtube, myspace and all those other webpages. does it make you a better person to put an innocent girl in the hospital scar her for life all for what to go to jail? Ya'll just ruined her life your life to become famous. Well heres your fame.
My heart goes out to Victoria and her family. I believe that everyone have the right to freedom of speech and what she writes on myspace is her own business. If the girls could not deal with what was written or said on her myspace they should not being viewing her page. This act was cowardly and ugly.This proves what these girls personality holds for their future.I know this act was planned and they should all be persecuted to the fullest. I am a parent myself and victoria's parent fight for your child justice. To the parents of these rude little girls I feel for you because yall probably did not raise your children to perform in this manner. We also teach our children there are punishment for every wrong and they have deal with what they did to Victoria.For the young boys you guys will never be a man because you guys stood by and let this take place. Truly I would not want to be the mother of the daughter where this incident took place because my child would have to deal with me personally and I do mean personally! Not in my house no such violence would have happened like this. I would have been judge and jury for my child, I would have given enough punishment to make her live by God's Commandment. Every parent wants what is good for their children and such an act like this is a shame, ugly disgrace.
This is to Lindsay....i dont feel what you've been through cuz i've never gone through that, but i still don't think that you deserved to get that even if you did say somethin on myspace!
I hope ur ok...and u get better!!
I hope that u loseing a little site and hearing doesn't stop u from ur dreams!!
When I turned on the Saturday morning news I couldn't believe what I was seeing. As I watched this video of six heartless, cruel and SICK girls beat one girl I wanted to throw up. An then to listen to the grandmother of the 14 year old say she's not like that. Hello! Is she watching something different than what the rest of the viewing public is? "Kids will be kids," I think was another comment I heard during this interview. NOT my kids. If one of my three kids ever did this to another human being I would be the first to make them stand accountable for their actions, Period! There is absolutely no excuse for this kind of behavior. My thoughts are: This is why kids behave the way they do, because Mom & Dad are always making excuses for their actions and are their kids enabler for failure. Everyone (child or adult) needs to be responsible/accountable for the choices they make. Loving your children doesn't mean bailing them out when they do bad things. Most importantly it means teaching them to step up to the plate and take whatever they have coming at them, good or bad. To Victoria and her family, Godspeed.
im sorry for my language but honey if you looking at the comments look at this one listen im 13 years old and im a boy but listen im a smart strong boy and you need to listen i know fighting is wrong ..unless you have to honey listen to my words YOU NEED TO FIGHT BACK IT DOESNT MATTER how many people they got you need to fight back!!!!!!! start going crazy swing all over the place it dont matter what funitere they have lisen all my life i had to fight ill let beat me but ill kill em dead always fight back no matter what and remeber keep your head up be strong stay healthy and you can still be a cheerleader if you want to listen baby FIGHT !!!!!!!!!
I'm sorry for Victoria if the girls had a disagreement they should have worked it out not gain up on her if I were Victoria parents I would push it to the extinct of the law.If I were the parents of the ones that attacked her I would not have bailed my child out of jail for gaining up on one person like that.If a child does a crime and you keep bailing them out when they get older a child will in up in prison if you don't teach them no better.Some parents do raise their childen right and some kids still don't listen so no I don't think parents should be accounable for what the child does unless they icouage them to do wrong thats just what I belive I don't judge by what others belive Victory I hope you have a speedy recovery and God bless you I will be praying for you and your family I know your mom and dad going through a lot to
honestly. you need to remove this video!!! the whole reason the girls did this was to get the video on the internet. basically this article is giving these sick beings what they set out to do! Not only is this absolutely disturbing and appauling, but it is what they wanted to happen.
Omg That girl cant punch to save her life if she wants er fight tell her to come to hopwood hall college ill beat her up, the sket !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every single one of them !!!!! Little rarsclarts !!!!!!!!!!!
i feel so bad for dat gurl that wuz beatean.....if u get this message aim meii my screen name is xy2cool4youlol nd add meii...Much luv hope you get better!!
thoce girls are SICK! they should stay a LONG-LONG-TIME in jail! they have to pay the consequences and its stupid how they think there so cool just by posting a video of them beating up a girl like that. and if Victoria Lindsay actually did say something on myspace she didnt deserve to get beating up like that, everybody does mistakes, but what does girls did was just sick. i hope Victoria gets better and i wish her all the luck in this wolrd and God bless her and her family.
All eight of them should spend many years in prison. 6 against 1? Are you kidding me?? They are COWARDS - all of them. I'll bet not a single one of the 6 would have guts enough to pick a fight 1 on 1. Yeah they're real winners, those girls are. So COOL, so TOUGH. They need to be tossed in prison and be gang-beaten by other prisoners.
This would be the reason why I hate white girls who think they're the shit because they want to beat someone else up and post it on youtube. I think Victoria should've fought back and ruined the furniture. That way, the parents would know what happened, and there would've been physical evidence. Those 8 teenagers aren't kids. They aren't sweet. They need to be persecuted to the fullest extent of the law and be punished for their actions.
naw shawty F the bull
if that was my sister as soon as dem dudes got bailed out
its a wrap.....point blank
F'IN OWNED!!!!!!!
I think I'm going to be sick... All of this over some stupid comments on MySpace? I mean, I knew MySPace was trouble, but this?!
All of these girls will look back at this ten years from now and say "wow, I was so stupid"
Victoria, take care of yourself, and don't get involved in this kind of pointless drama. It's not worth it!
I used to fight over trivial shit like these girls did, but now as I look at this video, I am disgusted with how I used to be and how these girls behaved. If I could get my hands on those 6 girls, I'm telling you what...they would be regretting the day they were born. The girl who was getting beaten on should have defended herself. I feel so bad for her. It makes me feel awful about all the girls me and my sister used to jump:( I hate the way society is becoming.
To the anonymous commenter from 8/7/08. You are saying that you and your sister used to jump other girls just like the girls in this video jumped Victoria. Is that what you are saying? And you hate how society is getting worse.
Why did you jump those other girls? Was it for almost no real reason just like these girls?
If you really hate how society is changing, have you ever called any of those girls that you jumped and apologized for doing it. If you really hate the way things are changing, the way to change them back to the right direction is to tell those girls that you did a really dumb thing and are sorry.
It might at least change the way those girls you jumped feel. That's not a big change, but it's a start.
I am apalled at this video I can never imagine this kind of stuff ever happening to my kids. This is inhumane these girls seemed to have been raised by monsters otherwise how do one explain the monster that came out of them. Parents need to pay attention to what their kids are doing, hold them accountable for their actions. These girls need to pay the pice for their actions!!!!! Victoria I hope you recover and all the best to you my dear, my heart goes out to you and your family.
To:April 30, 2008 10:25 AM
You are a are telling this person to take the video down but YOU WATCHED IT!!!And you knew what it was about before you watched it because this didn't just fall out of a butterflys ass and land on your pourch, you looked it up. What now that you watched it, it shouldnt be allowed to be viewed because YOU think it's too violent....well stop being a pussy shit happens and maybe people will think twice before they take their actions to the extreme next time after watching this...To:Victoria Lindsay...what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.
WOW! After reading these comments, I can see why things like this happen. These girls spend so much time worrying about boys, how they look, what somebody else is doing, spending too much time over silly messages posted on an internet site when they need to be getting an education and become an asset to society instead of a liability. I read these comments and wonder if they are written by a three year old. Can you please learn correct English? It is ridiculous how uneducated these kids are at 12, 13, 14 and older.
This is a serious problem in our society today.
I have seen alot of things on the Net but in my 38 years I have never seen someting so shocking as this clip. These teens are in need of some seriouse help. I hope all teens learn from the children's mistakes . Victoria showed great courage God Bless you
i believe that those girls who were beating on victoria deserved there punishment.i believe that they didnt understand how serious there consequences were after the younger than most of those girls and im more mature than they are.i really feel for victoria and i know that if she could take back that day she well as those gurls i have nothing to say once so ever about their far as mercedes, if she was a real friend to victoria she would have stopped victoria from going into the house or at least while the fighting was occuring called for the police or help.its a different story from being in a one on one fight but being the victim in a beating was outradous.
during the time of need victoria was in my prayers and this .i will never forget.
WOOOWW!! bring iittt oonn!!! Florida come over to Cali.. LA.. we'll show u how it gets down... WWOOWW!! serious?? if u DONT go to jail for life ure gonna dieeeeee in the streets, so if i were u id pray for jail. =)
Oh no...the little white girl got beat up. If this was black girls beating up a black girl then nobody would even care, it wouldn't have even made the news except maybe in the city where it happened.
Stop writing all these sappy messages about how you want to stand up for her. She probably had it coming and I'm sure she will never run her mouth on myspace again.
And these dumb girls got some jail time coming to them for being so stupid and petty. So in the end, everyone learned their lesson.
they only postin this on tv all round cuz they white. if they were any other race it wudnt evn get outside the city where they live!
i agree wiff dah 13 yr old boii i would have hit backk or bettah yett broke da dam glass she was worrying about i can't believe sumffin lyke dat would happen dats sad i feel bad for her D:
Oh my gosh, I am just now reading about this....this is so heart breaking....and yes it is stupid that they beat her for a stupid post on my space...And I am sick of parents defending their kids when they are in the wrong.....might as well say, go ahead and kick her a**, she deserves it, no one needs to say anything about you, you show whatever you want
I mean really, don't any parents teach their kids to take the high road, to look the other gosh, there will always be people that will run their mouth about matter who you are, someone always has something to say, what are they going to do, beat up everyone...
It's sad, if only people would love one another........a simple commandment of God, to love one does not hate, or cause harm to others......
People should really start praying about these things.....I mean honestly, parents need to teach their kids about God, prayer, and unfeigned, meaning sincere love - not fake!!!!
But Lindsay took the high road, she didn't fight back, she turn the other cheek!! How many girls can you say would have been that humble.....
these girls have no life if all they have time to do is beat up a girl for saying stupid things on myspace.
Really this just shows how cowardly they really are because it took six of them to beat up one defensless girl.
its amazing to me how ppl can beat a girl till she is almost dead and they drop charges and the girl that was videotaping her charges got dropped?? what is wrong with our goverment she was there and didnt stop anything so she is as guilty as them i think we need a new justice system!!!!!
they are soo imature
wat if they all got jumped jus lik that & honestly ibelieve that is nothin she got bruises cuz she PROBABLY bruises easily that girl in the pink pants can not evn fite wtf? wat she jus doin jus tryna slap her she thinks shes boss jus cuz she iz askin y she dnt lik the girls tori nvr said she dnt lik them buh still they didnt evn kno if it waz her writing the messages on myspace & her friends arent her friends theyre betrayers idc wat anyone did to stop or save it they shouldnt hav let it happen at all ibelieve they should all suffer no mattr wat becuz they ALL LET IT HAPPEN AND NO ONE TRIED TO STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's just crazy the world we live in today. What makes 6 girls and 2 guys think they have the right to attack 1 person?! I'm discousted with this video and even more with the punishment. The punishment should always fit the crime. What are we teaching children? I hope this follows those eight chilren evey where they go in life. Jobs, not being able to take their children across the boarder because of criminal record etc...they deserve to suffer! And to the comment above? I think self defence works when it's one on one but i'd like to see six ppl attack and two waiting outside really she had no chance.
For the first time I just viewed this video...I honestly cannot believe this. Watching this video just made me so angry, and I wish I could have been there to help Victoria fight back. It's hard to even defend yourself when you have double the amount of people bashing on you. I mean, if she took one swing, they would take one hundred swings back onto her. I seriously hope that these girls suffer for the rest of their lives knowing that they picked someone to fight that was so much weaker than them, kicked a person when they were down, and caused so much pain to someone that they will never be able to forget it. Let these girls suffer for the rest of their lives, and I hope Victoria will be fine...because God knows that this is wrong.
This is pathetic these girls knocked her out feeling still incontant and beat her even more and when she stated for the door nobody let her go while walkin to the door one girl beat her. this just shows that girls are sometimes more voilent and can fight over some really small reasons and six of them when one would be fair enough but six that is just unfair in evrybodys books. i wathed the trials on the computer and one chicked luaghed at it. i hope she is still luaghin cause she is somebodies B*#$& now.
i was recently jumped and was looking for justice. these girls fight for no reason. They think they're all tough. Six girls beat up one girl whoohoo, big accomplishment. im looking for ways to get justice. this video gave me hope. i do hope that victoria is better n am happy that those girls will suffer 25 yrs of prison. these things are unnecessary and there must be ways to stop it. we need stricter laws and consequences for girls like them.
I'm always confused why teens would resort to such violence just to get in with the crowd. It's disturbing for parents to know that it's easy for other teens to hurt other kids just like that. We should be vigilant that this is not happening to our kids.
this is the sadest video clip i have ever seen on the internet.By watching this video my heart broke into pieces that couldnt fix.those stupid ugly girls must be punished to extent they beat an innocent girl.victoria stay away those stupid rude ugly girls, forget about that forever and do your exams well. All good people are with you.
May god Bless You Victoria Lindsay.
To "Ill"
thank you. at least someone has a brain. every single day, people get jumped, and usually die. but a little white girl gets hit a couple times and everyone freaks out. you know why grady judd (the sheriff) blew this up? because his nephew, or someone like that, got caught with child porn and he wanted to cover it up. dumb bitch.
Don't forget to blame/charge the parents! 6 teenage girls are gang-beating another girl, and it's all because of them! I bet their daughters are growing up to be total a** holes, and the parents don't do s**t! It's not enough to tell kids not to do that stuff, you have to tell them WHY, and you have to stray them away from it! Obviously something tells me these girls' parents didn't do that!
I'm watching the movie right now on Lifetime and my blood is boiling!!! I have a 3 daughters, 14, 11, and 10. If any of them we're ever put in that situation, their father and I would both be in jail. I don't care how old I am, I would personally do to them what they did to mine!!! And their parents too! I talk with my kids everyday and tell them not to bully, be bullied, or just stand by and watch while others are hurt. I tell my girls how stupid and insecure it looks when girls hate on other girls. I've taught my girls that their friends will turn on them in a heartbeat, especially if it's over a boy, and if they talk about one of you when they leave the group they will talk about you too. I am also very involved in their social and Internet lives. I hope this young lady is doing better now n I hope that karma comes back to those little b*tches and those stupid guys too!!!!
Why didn't any of these girls get the sh** beat out of them???? An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth......literally! I agree with the mom above: I'd be in jail-period. I'd rally to get others to beat up those who did this to Victoria. Sorry, that's how I see it. If you beat the crap out of someone, then you should be beat, too!!!!! Plain and simple Lakeland, Florida.
Hahaha, they think their tough beating that girl, well their lucky they didn't mess with the wrong person. Not all girls and their Families are nice and lenient. Y'all are lucky cause if it was me all of y'all would be so sorry, and begging for forgiveness. Y'all would know what a good ass beating is. To Victoria ur a good person and i give u props cause thats the way all people should be. I just can't be that way or my family. I would tell those stupids broads payback is a bia!!!!! Watch out girlssss!!!!!
I just finished watching the movie "Girl Fight" on Lifetime. I cried, I got angry, and I had some feelings that I've never felt before. I am 29 years old, and I do not have children, yet. But I do have the mother instinct inside of me that so many of us women can't avoid feeling at a certain age, having children or not. When I think back to high school, and the catty things girls said, did, thought, to and about wasn't ever like this. Boys fight with fists. Girls use feelings and words. That's the way I've always known it to be. So ladies, why would we ever think that fighting like a man would make us cool, or more liked? Or to take it even farther...6 against 1? Disgraceful! Sick! Inhumane! I could get mean, and say things that need not be said, but then what makes me better than those girls if I do? How about the fact that I refuse to be so cruel and ugly. It's called self-control and self-respect. Pride in being a good human, because if nothing else, that's so worth being proud of. There is no such thing as perfect, just human. The road we decide to take is completely up to ourselves. There comes a time in all girls lives when you decide it's time to put on your big girl panties, and grow up. Besides, fighting like a man?.....What guy wants a girl with balls bigger than his? I say tuck 'em back ladies and realize, to be a female is a skill not to be scoffed at, but to be learned, taken in, and em-brassed with a certain grace we all posses. Now, at first, I will admit that while watching this movie, I turned my guy and with tears in my eyes said "if that was our little girl, I could only hope God would forgive me for what I did to those horrible little demons"! But as I got it in my head that I wanted to put forth a bit of my thought proses on this blog, I realized, would that really make me feel better. Maybe for a minute, a day, a week. But then what? It is our right to silently wish bad things upon others, but to do harm as an ultimate answer for harm done. Rise above and prevail. Now, I'm no holy roller or anything like that, but I do believe, in faith. What faith exactly? Haven't figured all that out for myself yet, but I believe in something, which I'm pretty certain is better than nothing. These girls will be judged someday. By God, by other people, by their "friends", by their families, by themselves. And not to defend them by any means, but hopefully, when facing the fork in the road, they will make the right decision and travel the path of just simply being a good human. And if not, well then I agree, karma just may step in. So be it.
Oh gosh girl these girls are so dumb!Bruah tell them come to Hawaiian Islands and we show dem how fo scrap...well hope you get well
Those girls cant even fight lol. My mom gave me worse beatings when I was younger.
this is disgusting
I think that America is in trouble, the images that the media portrays support this kind of behaviour, media has brainwashed the American youth, I do not feel hatred for any of them, only sorrow. A great nation being brought down to it's knees...
Is this not but an example of what goes on in your country, is your country not in bigger trouble than all the other nations that your government has attacked, organisation starts in your room, America will crumble soon at this rate, was it always like this? Is it not getting worse...
unbelievable... I cant believe that this video is available to watch online. These girls have no remorse for their actions and are probably proud of what they did.
Im a 13 year old girl and i really think this is stupid and those girls should be punished.because i no how it feels i was jumped because my best friend was mad at me and told ppl i was talkin about them and you guys r all wrong because im white and my story didnt even make it out of my school and in this case she should of fought back i mean it can get u somewhere because once u start fightin back it slows them down.they dont expect you to fight back thats y they do it soo prove them wrong show them wat u can do. For victoria i really feel for you i hope this didnt make u give up ur dreams. I hope u shoot for the stars and wen u get there keep goin. And for the 6 girl wat u did was not right and your parents shouldnt back you up i mean im pretty sure your parents didnt raise you the way they did for you to grow up and do stupid crap like this ur all.probably better than that. And the two boys how could u just stand watch like that i mean u shojld of stopped it they wouldnt have known if one of yoh left to go get the police. I do hope you all feel.bad and see how you ruined victoria's and your life ur future coulda been bright and wonderful but now the best your gonna get is macdonalds i hope your happy with your selfs.victoria im sorry you had to go through this but the video just proves that your a bigger person than any of those girls and your stronger for you to go through that and only have hearing and vision lost proves that your strong enough for anything the world throughs at you. The 6 girls you not only hurt victoria but her parents also and u were worried about furniture y your parents found out anyway. Ictoria i made this as long as i could for you and this might have been bad but it will get better in time. Lastly im gonna tell you what my mom told me first she told me its just another lesson learned. Then she said make new friend right wen u start noot to like somethin. And the last thing she said was i hope they didnt ruin how you think of life and wat its about. Please go to college and reach as far as you can until you reach past your dreams. Have a great life and i wish hou the best. The other 8 of you have fun at macdonalds everyday oh ya, u need to go clean out thosee mouths of yours i mean i dont say you shouldnt use foul language just wait tell ur 21 just like you should wait for everything else. I HOPE YOU ALL LEARNED YOUR LESSSON!!!!!
I have to agree that the whole 6 agains 1 thing was completely immature. And besides those girls who beat Victoria up should put into to prison for a very long time. They think they are so tough and big just cause they have their friends besides them and their friends were supporting each other on beating her up. I'm so sorry Victoria,you do not deserve anything like this, you are beautiful, strong, and independent and didn't deserve this. So sorry hun.
One on one may still be wrong but I guarantee these girls could not handle one on one with anyone I roll with.....this is pathetic and where are their parents? Wow I can't even explain how discussed I am. And for fame well you got it girls now the whole world knows your cowards. Victoria even though justice in the court of law failed the lord knows what they did and he holds the highest justice. God bless you little angel, you will fly high know that. For these acts of criminal intent will be punished in the heavens above.
Firstly my heart goes out to Victoria and her family. she did not deserve this.
Yes, she should not really be saying stuff online but she should not of been beaten up for it.
If somebody said something about me online I would aproach her and say and tell her how I feel in an adult manner.
What really digusts me is the fact that the girls that beat her up thought they were so cool and hard when there are so not. beating up a girl like that does not make you hard at all.
And it doesn't make you cool eitheir. Doing this has probably made them hated by many people its a disgusting thing to do.
Looking at some other comments, they say that if it was a black girl beating up a black nobody would care and it would not be as known as this video.
But I would care and I wouldn't think anything different of the girls.
And also I can kind of relate to Victoria.
I wasn't put through what she was put through.
I was bullied by some Fat and ugly girls and they stole my phone and started to text and ring people and pretend it was me.
they made up lies about me aswell
No where near as bad as victoria but they did it because they were jelous. I think these girls beaat her up and ganged up on her because they were jelous.
Victoria was skinny and pretty and those other girls where FAT and UGLY and
I kinda wanna kick their fat butts.
It is a horrible injustice to "not fight back" in a situation like this. Certainly the victim was in no position to fight back due to the trauma, but the responsible adults/authorities should have done something! Each of those girls and the one girl's mother should be locked up for at least several years, fined, and given community service w probation when they get out.
The level of depravity it takes to do something like this makes them dangerous to society!!! To not fight back against such monstrous behavior teaches the depraved perpetrators there is no substantial consequence and they can do any anti-social, demented thing they choose. It teaches the same thing to each new person who watches the video thinking it is "cool."
The ones who will suffer most will be the next victims of these 8 girls. I guarantee you every one of them will continue to abuse and at some point possibly even kill other people. You can't beat someone to that level - twice - without having complete indifference for the lives of others. They WILL hurt other people!
The judge who let them off with basically nothing should be removed from office permanently, and maybe even given a partial sentence each time one of these derelicts commits a future crime - something they most certainly will do.
What about all of the future people who will be hurt?!?!? How could this be allowed to continue?!?!?!?
This video is ridiculous the whole situation is ridiculous ! no teenage girl needs to be put in position of almost loosing they're life because of something that was said online not by her but someone else . These girls in this video act so immature I'm 13 & i have more sense than these girls to know that this right here is just WRONG ! I hope they get what they deserve & the full sentencing they need . This is something that will traumatize poor victoria & taunt the girls & boys that did this for the rest of their lifes ! & the parents that have to live w. The anger & dissapointment of the child being hurt & the girls being the cause of it . My heart goes out to victoria & her family & just know that those girls just proved that they have an ugly horrible personality & those guys will NEVER be actual men because their actions toward all of this was stupid as well .
Lindsay I am sorry that this happened to you. You should never ever let anyone no matter how many there are hit you without hitting you back. I wish I knew you then. I cannot stand girls like that. I hope on day we cross paths. Take care. God bless you!
When this happened I didn't have a daughter, now I do. She is two. I can't imagine watching that happen to her. This isn't something that has just started happening, it has been going on way before internet and cell phones and etc. It is terrible. It really shows the courage Victoria had for not striking back. Not once did she. I can't say that I couldn't nor could I say I wouldn't want my little girl to in a situation like that. I do believe more punishment should be handed to teens who beat other teens, especially in such a brutal way as this. It doesn't matter if the girls were fat, ugly, skinny, beautiful, white, Hispanic, Asian, or African American, as several have mentioned, this was a crime. I hear Victoria is doing well for herself now. That is great to hear. I also hear that some of these girls that beat her have children of their own. I really hope they know now the love a parent feels for their children and the fear that every time she or he walks out their front door that they might get that one phone call. Yes my baby is only two but I love her so much and just want to protect her. God Bless!
Everyone of those females are pathetic. They all should have been tried as adults and sent to prison to do some real time! Screw a probation! They all were stupid. You really jumped her over some boys and some he say she say mess? Stupid! april cooper, brittni hardcastle, brittany mayes, mercedes nichols, cara murphy, and kayla hassel all have ALOT of growing up to do. I used lower case purposely because you don't deserve to be addressed as human beings. You are nothing in my eyes and don't deserve any respect. Victoria, I'm sorry you had to go throigh that. I know you aren't perfect but regardless of whatever you did or said you should not have been tormented like that.
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