Wednesday, February 4, 2009

First Photo of Darcey Freeman - 4-year-old Tossed from Australia Bridge

This is the first photo released of Darcey Iris Freeman, the four-year-old girl that Arthur Freeman, her father, allegedly tossed from the West Gate Bridge in Melbourne, Australia last week.

The family stated that Darcey was a beautiful, carefree, spirited youngster who "loved to sing and dance." Young Darcey was murdered on what was supposed to be her first day of school, and her father had promised her to get her there on time. For whatever reason, he did not keep his promise.

Tim Barnes, one of Darcey's uncles, told of Darcey's strong will and determination and spoke of the "extreme sense of loss and emptiness" which has gripped all who knew her, including family, friends and many well wishers around the world.

"She knew her own mind and was prepared to always stand up for what she believed in. One memory that stands out in my mind was her choice of clothes," he reportedly told the Melbourne Herald Sun.

"She would wear what she wanted to wear, end of story - even if it meant wearing pink Wellington boots to tennis."

Joe Barnes, another of Darcey's uncles, said, "She's given us a lot of fun. She was into everything. She will never be forgotten. She had an effect on everybody."

Both uncles said that the emotional outpouring from people from around the world in the wake of the death has been overwhelming. Both of the Barnes uncles said they hoped the death of Darcy would remind all parents everywhere that their children are precious and irreplaceable.

Darcey's maternal relatives have traveled from Western Australia to Victoria to be with Darcey's mother and to help with funeral arrangements.

Arthur Freeman, the father, has not spoken to anyone. He is detained at the Melbourne Assessment Prison's acute psychiatric ward, where doctors said he is suicidal and they are keeping a 24-hour watch on his prison cell.

See original story and video: Australian Father Drops Daughter Off Bridge - Video


GladyInAmerica said...

When a crazy man in my country -- USA -- threw his infant son off of a bridge last year, I just knew that it couldn't happen again. Given little Darcy's age, I can't imagine how horrible her last moments on Earth were: Dying at the hands of the man she trusted most in the world, her hero, her dad. I will be praying for your entire country and especially, Darcy's family. May her soul rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

im 14 years old. i live in clayton wich is in melbourne . everytime i cross the west gate bridge i cant help but think whaat was going through the fathers mind. how he could do this to just such a young beautiful innecent girl. who cares if it was revenge to the mother young beautiful darcey did not deserve any of this and if i ever see him i would walk strait up to him and screem and shout because how i dont understand how u could do that to such a young beautiful girl. my respects are with her family and brothers. stay strong melbourne people will always be here for u xo

Anonymous said...

What I don't understand and I know that a lot of women can go insane as well but there seems to be a very big common thread with men taking punishment out on their children to teach their wives leaving them a lesson.

It's very scary, if you just google father kills children, the results is enough to turn anyone's stomach. I think that as a society anyone that are parents should be tested for sanity. When it comes to divorce it should be compulsory that they see a psychologist.

This isn't to just protect them from their fathers but also their mothers that go over the edge. We need to protect children from deranged parents such as this.

What annoys me the most is that people deny gay people having children but don't' think twice when it's a man and women. Stories like this really put what parenting is about into perspective.

Anonymous said...

Flora you are soooooo correct.

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