Monday, November 23, 2009

Pittsburgh Steelers Fan Beats and Kicks Pitbull Puppy to Death Before Game

A Pittsburgh Steelers fan was so upset at his pit bull puppy not behaving that he beat and kicked the poor animal to death right at the start of a Steelers game.

22-year-old William Woodson is being held in the Allegheny County Jail in lieu of $25,000 bail, pending a preliminary hearing on animal cruelty next Monday. Mr. Woodson and his live-in girl friend, Christine Gielarowski, who appears to have purchased the dog without consulting Woodson, have argued more than once recently about the dog.

It seems that Woodson did not particularly like the 13-week-old pitbull name Flip. When the dog caused problems for him before the Steelers-Kansas City Chiefs game last Sunday, Woodson allegedly picked the puppy up and threw it down quite hard on the pavement in the street.

A witness told Bridgeville, Pennsylvania, police they saw Woodson kicking Flip down the street shortly after 1 p.m., which is when the Steelers game began. Police said Woodson was supposed to be walking the dog, but apparently he was angry that he was missing the start of the Steelers game on TV.

The witness said that Woodson kicked the dog so hard that he launched Flip into the air and the dog skipped on the pavement. The witness tried to help Flip, but it died in his arms.

"It needs to be told that stuff like this will not be tolerated, whether it's in Bridgeville or whatever community," said Bridgeville police Officer James Lancia. "It's not going to be put up with. You can't just run around abusing animals."

The maximum penalty for cruelty to animals is five years in jail and a $10,000 fine.

The following is an Associated Press report of the incident:

Perhaps the pit bull puppy was not enough of a Steelers fan for Woodson. If this is how angry Woodson gets before the game, imagine how he must get after a Steelers' loss.

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