Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Schwarzenegger Tells Assemblyman "F**k You" in Cryptic Letter

Arnold Schwarzenegger, the hubristic Governator of California, appears to have a puerile streak in him because it has been discovered that he sent San Francisco Assemblyman Tom Ammiano a letter in which a profanity was expressed in a cryptic and surreptitious fashion along the left margin of the letter.

If one extracts just the first letter of each line, you would spell out a rather juvenile insult that read "F*ck You." A copy of the letter is reproduced below with the offending letters highlighted in yellow.

Schwarzenegger typically attaches a message to bills he signs or vetoes telling assemblymen why he took the action. It is assumed that Arnold's profane missive is in response to Ammiano's request that the Governator "kiss my gay ass" during a local Democratic Party fundraiser earlier this month in San Francisco.

Schwarzenegger, who is a Republican, was invited to the normally Democrat only event by former San Francisco mayor and Assembly speaker Willie Brown, also a Democrat.

Arnold gave a brief speech at the event, during which Ammiano and other Dems booed and heckled him, shouting "You lie." After Schwarzenegger left, Ammiano gave a speech criticizing Schwarzenegger for a wide variety of real or imagined offenses.

Aaron McLear, a spokesperson for Schwarzenegger explained to reporters' queries about the letter: "My goodness. What a coincidence. I suppose when you do so many vetoes, something like this is bound to happen."

Ammiano's spokesperson, Quintin Mecke's response was that the assemblyman wants to move on. "We will call it even and start with a clean slate with the governor from here on out."

One might quip that golden state pols have sunken to a social level on parr with junior high school boys, but junior high school boys would probably be insulted by the comparison.

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